Tuesday, January 13, 2009


For the past three years, I have been collecting quotes that I read or hear, and putting them all into one document.  Every day, there is a quote included in the Daily Verse; this one document is where I get those quotes from.  I realized recently, skimming through it, how much of a treasure of wisdom and godliness it has become.  Some of the quotes are recent, and some of the people who said them have been with Christ for centuries.  But oh how precious is the gift that they have given to us-- to go with them deep into the heart of God!  On occasion, I use my own quotes database devotionally, just reading through it as I am brought by these saints to the throne of grace.

Because I have been so blessed by all these quotes, I have decided to share them in a broader way than just by Daily Verse email.  I've posted the whole document, as it is now, on the Daily Verse Online website.  You can download it at www.dailyverseonline.org/quotes.doc.  It is currently 41 pages long, with 529 quotes in it.  They're not in any particular order, so just start reading, or try searching the document for something specific.  Feel free to download it and spread it around.  I hope that you will be blessed by it, as I am daily.

1 comment:

Joe said...

Thanks for sharing these quotes. Your own blog is a great blessing as well as The Daily Verse Online. I read them both every day.

God bless !