Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Regardless of how you feel about Obama, today is truly a historic day.  The inauguration of the 44th President of the United States, the first African-American President, is certainly one for the ages.

I have mixed feelings about the event.  Certainly, the fact that we have an African-American President is a testimony to how far our nation has come in overcoming the evils of racism, and I look forward to further healing of those old wounds under an Obama administration.  But the fact that Obama is an extreme pro-abortion President grieves me and makes me fear for the cause of life in this country.

In all, I would say that I am cautiously optimistic about Obama's presidency.  I follow all the economic and political issues closely, but I don't pretend to be well-versed enough to offer up any kind of intelligent thought on big government, federal spending, isolationism, and the like (for less-than-intelligent thought on those issues, there are plenty of other blogs out there).  But I believe that if Obama governs from the middle of the political spectrum, he has the opportunity to be a great leader in a difficult time.  So far, there are hopeful signs that he intends to aim for that kind of leadership.  For that reason, I am cautiously optimistic.

But perhaps more than ever, I realize the need for God's people to pray for our leaders.  It was easy under Bush to grow complacent and self-confident, knowing that we have "one of our guys" in the White House.  But the need for God's guiding hand is much clearer now.  We must intercede for Obama to the One in whose hand "the king's heart is a stream of water... He turns it wherever He will." (Proverbs 21:1).  God "changes times and seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding." (Daniel 2:21)  This is the God to whom we appeal.  So please, pray for President Obama.

For some other thoughts on an Obama Presidency, see below:

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