Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New Blog

I've been thinking for a while about blogging, but it seems that either I can never work up the motivation, or something else gets in the way.  But it's something that God has been laying on my heart for the last couple weeks, and so I think it's time to get started.

I don't yet have a clear vision of what will happen here- right now I'm thinking general musings on Scripture, books I'm reading, life events, and so on.  I'm going to try to hook this more directly into the main Daily Verse Online site as a more personal side to the ministry.  Whatever I do, I'll have to be in prayer about it.  I don't want this to be yet another self-absorbed "rambling about my life" site-- the internet has quite enough of those, thank you very much.  What I would like to see this become is a place where people can be edified by encountering the greatness of God as I share how I have encountered Him in His Word.  Yeah... that sounds like a plan.

1 comment:

crimson mercy said...

Hey just wanted to say that your blog is already awesome! I have been just searching around and looking at other blogs for a while today. There are many misguided people out there. Your blog is refreshing. Good luck. Sounds like God has some things planned for your life. You answered the call! Sounds sweet that you have a fiance. aww.
Just wanted to tell you that.
In Him,