Monday, October 13, 2008

Admiring, Exploring, Expositing, Extolling

Sinclair Ferguson once insightfully said, "The evangelical orientation is inward and subjective.  We are far better at looking inward than we are looking outward.  We need to expend our energies admiring, exploring, expositing, and extolling Jesus Christ."

He's absolutely right.  So much of American culture, so much of the American church, so much of my time, is spent on inward examination, on taking my emotional temperature every five minutes, on thinking about how things relate to me rather than on how things relate to Christ.  We read the Bible this way, always looking for "how this relates to me," "how this is relevant," etc.

But Scripture calls us to end our suicidal love affair with self, and to find real life, real purpose, real fulfillment, real joy, real glory, real passion, in "admiring, exploring, expositing, and extolling Jesus Christ."  The Bible is not about me; life is not about me.  Both the Bible and life are all about pointing me away from myself and towards the greatest, most glorious all-satisfying Reality in the universe, namely, Jesus Christ.

My prayer is that I, and all of you, will be ever more captivated with the glorious Christ revealed in the pages of His Word.

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