Monday, August 25, 2014

John Newton: Mark Driscoll

The evangelical blog, Twitter, Favebook circles that I run in, as well as (sadly) the secular news, has been alight the last few weeks over the reported failings of Mark Driscoll, pastor at Mars Hill Church in Seattle. His fall from prominent Refirmed pastor, speaker, and author to current pariah has been grievous and, apparently, a long time in the making. While we may be saddened when our faith heroes fall, we shouldn't be surprised. John Newton, 250 years ago, had similar experiences, as has the Church throughout her tumultuous, sinful history. Newton's advice on this subject is particularly timely:

"When we hear that others fall it should make us thankful and watchful for ourselves. Thankful, for it is grace alone that makes us to differ. Watchful, for our hearts are equally deceitful and Satan is continually plotting and practicing against us likewise."

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