Thursday, July 31, 2014

John Newton: Longing for Heaven II

How often, and with what intensity, do you long for heaven? John Newton has a lot to say on this inexhuastible topic. My prayer is that this quote will make you more choke sick for heaven, more eager for your arrival there, and in the meantime less drawn to the trinkets of the world. 

"What shall it be, when all the children of God, who in different ages and countries have been scattered abroad, shall all be gathered together, and enter into the glorious and eternal rest provided for them; when there shall not be one trace of sin or sorrow remaining, not one discordant note to be heard, nothing to disturb or defile, or alleviate the never-ceasing joy? Such is the hope to which God has called us: that day will surely come, as the present day is already arrived; every moment brings on its approach."

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