This article at Desiring God by Ted Esler, the Executive Vice President of Pioneers, is an absolute must-read. Pioneers is a missions organization dedicated to taking the gospel to the unreached peoples of the world. Ted's insights into the gospel implications of militant Islam are profound. Here's an excerpt:
"For many evangelicals, the threat of Islam—both real and perceived—has sometimes distracted from obedience to the demands of the gospel. While radical Islam certainly has a political agenda that should not be minimized, we should, in obedience, follow Jesus' command to love them.
How best should we love Muslims? We can pray, we can show them tangible acts of love, and we can send emissaries to them. While it is very disconcerting to see Islam grow within the borders of the USA, our hearts should break more over the fact that 1.2 to 1.5 billion people don’t know Jesus and will never experience the joy it is to know him. Most will never meet a disciple of Christ unless some of us go."
Read the whole article here. And then pray over the implications of this verse:
"The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. Go your way; behold, I am sending you." ~Luke 10:2-3
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