Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Date

Since I proposed to Sarah in August, we've been trying to figure out when to get married.  We're both graduating in May, but there were a lot of extraneous things to figure out.  It was really hard for me to try to walk through that process without stressing about it and with the eternal perspective of 1 Corinthians 7:29-31.  But God has been very good to us.

The long and short of it is: we have a date.  July 25, 2009!  Which is, like, 8 months from now.  That's really exciting.

Please pray for us for the next 8 months, that both the way we plan our wedding and the way we conduct our relationship will be carried out in a way that shows that Christ is infinitely more valuable than any other relationship, even a life-long one.

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