Tuesday, September 23, 2014

John Newton: Plead Our Cause

"He will plead our cause, and fight our battles; He will pardon our mistakes, and teach us to do better."

Sunday, September 21, 2014

John Newton: Little in our own eyes

"Oh! to be little in our own eyes! This is the ground-work of every grace; this leads to a continual dependence upon the Lord Jesus."

Saturday, September 20, 2014

John Newton: Who Are We?

"Who are we, that the Most High should thus notice us; should visit us every morning, and water us every moment? It is an astonishing thought, that God should dwell thus with men; that He, before whom the mightiest earthly potentates are less than nothing and vanity, should thus stoop and accommodate himself to the situation, wants, and capacities of the weakest, meanest, and poorest of his children."

Thursday, September 18, 2014

John Newton: His Glory, Our Safety

"His own glory is most displayed, and our safety best secured, by keeping us quite poor and empty in ourselves, and supplying us from one minute to another, according to our need."

Saturday, September 13, 2014

John Newton: Bounty

"The believer lives, like Israel in the wilderness, upon mere bounty; but then it is a bounty unchangeable, unwearied, inexhuastible, and all-sufficient."

Friday, September 12, 2014

John Newton: The Privilege of a Believer

"How great and honourable is the privilege of a true believer! That he has neither wisdom nor strength in himself is no disadvantage; for he is connected with infinite wisdom and almighty power."

Thursday, September 11, 2014

John Newton: The Thought of Him

"The thought of him who is always near, and upon whom we do and must incessantly depend, should suggest a powerful motive for the closest attention to his revealed will, and the most punctual compliance with it."

Sunday, September 7, 2014

John Newton: New Service, New Supply

"For every new service I stand in need of a new supply, and can bring forth nothing of my supposed store into actual exercise, but by his immediate assistance."

Saturday, September 6, 2014

John Newton: Better Than I Deserve

C.J. Mahaney is well-known for responding to questions of how he was doing with "Better than I deserve." What he meant by that was, "As a sinner I deserve absolutely nothing from God, so every good thing in my life is sheer grace; and as a child of God in the recipient of extravagant merciful promises like Romans 8:28, so every hard thing in my life is planned and purposed by my Father for good." Truly, I'm doing better than I deserve. 

"Under all trials and afflictions, the believer should look to the hand of the Lord, and lay his mouth in the dust, acknowledging that he suffers much less than his iniquities have deserved."

Friday, September 5, 2014

John Newton: Humility

"Whoever is truly humbled will not be easily angry, and will be compassionate and tender to the infirmities of his fellow-sinners, knowing that if there be a difference in him it is grace that has made it, and that he has the seeds of every evil in his own heart."

Thursday, September 4, 2014

John Newton: Would Have Perished

"Believers dare not, they will not ascribe anything to themselves, but are glad to acknowledge, that they would have perished (if possible) a thousand times over, if Jesus had not been their Saviour, their Shepherd, and their Shield."

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

John Newton: Nothing Can Separate

"But when, after a long experience of their own deceitful hearts, after repeated proofs of their weakness, willfulness, ingratitude, and insensibility, believers find that none of these things can separate them from the love of God in Christ, Jesus becomes more and more precious to their souls. They love much, because they have been forgiven much."

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

John Newton: Unchangeableness of Love

"The unchangeableness of the Lord’s love, and the riches of his mercy, are more illustrated by the multiplied pardons He bestows upon his people, than if they needed no forgiveness at all."

Monday, September 1, 2014

John Newton: In the Beloved

"Believers are not considered as in themselves, but as one with Jesus, to whom they have fled for refuge, and by whom they live a life of faith. They are accepted in the Beloved."